Upgrade Black Sea SCENE News Spot

The project is funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research infrastructures.

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Final project year

Upgrade Black Sea SCENE (www.blackseascene.net), a three year project supported by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Program (FP7) for research and development 2009—2011. It builds on an existing research infrastructure - the Black Sea SCENE, dedicated to the development of a scientific network of leading environmental and socio-economic research institutes, universities and NGOs from the countries around the Black Sea, contributing to a growing data and information infrastructure. The project consists of a large consortium of Black Sea institutes and European experts comprising over 50 partner organisations. UBSS implements SeaDataNet communication standards and technologies ensuring datacenters interoperability. It provides online access to in-situ and remote sensing data, meta-data and products.

Events of 2011

The project activities aimed to stimulate the scientific cooperation, exchange of knowledge and expertise, and to strengthen the regional capacity and performance of marine environmental data and information management. A training workshop took place in IODE programme office in Ostend – Belgium, from 28th February to 4th March 2011. The workshop focused on further training in the tools and methods for converting, quality control, and analysis of data sets from various disciplines, and getting hands on experience with the tools and procedures. The fifth UBSS meeting - DQC Workshops and Plenary meeting, took place at Rhodes island from 11 to 15 April 2011. It comprised DQC Workshops including members of EMODNet Chemistry for the Black Sea. The workshop discussed the quality of the data sets so far gathered and the kind of products and services for users can be produced from these data sets. In Odessa, Ukraine the third regular Black Sea Bi-Annual Scientific Conference was held from 1—4 November 2011 with support from the Black Sea Commission, the Ukrainian government and the UBSS project. It was entitled “Black Sea Outlook - Drivers, pressures, state, impacts, response and recovery indications towards better governance of Black Sea environmental protection. More information about the conference is available in the brochures and newsletter.

Products and results

The principal outcome of UBSS is the data access service, implemented through the Common Data Index (CDI). Its primary objective is to give users a highly detailed insight in the availability and geographical spread of marine data across the different data centres and institutes across Europe. The CDI provides an index (metadatabase) to individual data sets. Furthermore, it provides direct online data access or direct online requests for data access or file downloads. In the coming years the datacentres will support the infrastructure on national level and will continue to further populate the CDI metadatabase. Other institutes and stakeholders will be encouraged to use the service and provide information about metadatabases.


The joint effort of Black Sea SCENE has run from 2005 to 2008. The consortium has been continued and extended in Upgrade Black Sea SCENE, 2009—2011, adding 23 new partners to the existing 33.

Partners since 2005

Partners since 2009

Upgrade Black Sea SCENE 2011 PDF file (PDF, 2.72 MB)
Upgrade Black Sea SCENE 2010 PDF file (PDF, 1.77 MB)
Upgrade Black Sea SCENE 2009 PDF file (PDF, 2.73 MB)
Black Sea Scene 3 PDF file (PDF, 648 KB)
Black Sea Scene 2 PDF file (PDF, 123 KB)
Black Sea Scene 1 PDF file (PDF, 2.04 MB)

Upgrade Black Sea Scene News Spot 2
Upgrade Black Sea Scene News Spot 1